EBA Governance
This section describes the governance structure of the EBA and its principles.

Governance of decentralised systems is a matter of numerous debates in technological, as well as political and sociological circles. For the European Blockchain Association, we have created a comprehensive governance model, based on existing, widely accepted regulatory frameworks, such as Eclipse, or Apache, as well as based on our practical experiences creating and working with blockchain networks.
- Download the full EBA governance process.
- Download the EBA membership agreement.
The above-mentioned governance model and all activities of the European Blockchain Association is based on the following 5 principles:
- The pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals SDGs:
The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. The Goals interconnect and in order to leave no one behind, it ís important that we achieve each Goal and target by 2030.
- Decentralised Semi-Autonomous Organisation DSAO with Basic Governance:
The EBA’s decentralised architecture allows for autonomous individual activities of its members. To facilitate the integration of the EBA into society at large with its social, legal, economic and environmental aspects, a basic governance model is organised and maintained by the EBA’s Board.
- Member Economic Participation based on Blockchain Protocol:
At the heart of the EBA’s architecture lies a blockchain-based incentive scheme that encourages members to actively participate in the DSAO. The cryptocurrency XSC is used as a means for payments and rewards of all sorts of activities in the DSAO.
- Education, Access to and Sharing of Information:
The foundation of EBA’s activities is laid by the creation of a broad and in-depth knowledge base in the domain of blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies, built by individuals, companies, organisations and research institutes.
- Connecting the Dots: Synchronisation of Member Activities:
The EBA’s DSAO architecture facilitates the aggregation and synchronisation of blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology member activities in order to minimise inefficient encapsulated and siloed developments.