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The Blockchain for Industry Conference is organised by Joachim Schwerin, Principal Economist and responsible for the Digital Transformation of Industry within the Directorate-General Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) of the European Commission. It takes place on 09 November 2023 (13.30 – 18.00 h) in Brussels (Sofitel, Place Jourdan) and will focus on current and future real economy applications, notably with a view to the upcoming new European policy cycle 2024-29.

🖥️ You can also join the Conference via WebEx. Please use this link to join.

Conference Agenda:

  • 13.30: Introduction (Amaryllis Verhoeven/GROW)
  • 13.40: Blockchain today and tomorrow: the European perspective (Ondřej Kovařík/MEP)
  • 14.00: Blockchain as a political and societal priority in Europe (Mathieu Michel/Belgian Secretary
    of State for Digitisation)
  • 14.30: Keynote 1: The contribution of blockchain to the digital and green transition (Maria Eisner
  • 14.40: Panel 1: Blockchain as a game changer for industrial ecosystems (panellists: Justina
    Bieliauskaite/European DIGITAL SME Alliance, Clara Guerra/Digitalisation Office
    Liechtenstein, Leo Hilse/Style Protocol; moderator: Michael Gebert/EBA)
  • 15.15: Coffee break
  • 15.45: Keynote 2: Industrial co-operation in the virtual world: the role of decentralised
    autonomous organisations (DAOs) (Primavera Di Bianchi/CNRS Paris)
  • 15.55: Panel 2: DAOs as enabler of collective entrepreneurship: use cases, governance,
    bottlenecks (panellists: Agata Ferreira/Status.im, Peter Nobels/Kalipo, Ilhan Unlu/Fair
    Square; moderator: Mariana De La Roche/INATBA)
  • 16.30: Keynote 3: Blockchain and value chain management in industry (Heinz-Günter Lux/Evonik)
  • 16.40: Panel 3: Blockchain-based solutions to ensure safe, ethical and green supply chains
    (Nicolas Hauw/EUIPO, Frédéric Montagnon/Arianee, Mesbah Sabur/Circularise; moderator
    Clara Ducimetière/GROW)
  • 17.15: Blockchain priorities and benefits for the European economy: the next 5 years (blockchain
    associations EBA, INATBA, Blockchain4Europe, EUCI)
  • 18.00: Closing remarks (Hubert Gambs/GROW)

The conference is preceded by a half-day on-site workshop with a limited number of participants, half of which come from the various European Commission services. Here, we take stock of current and upcoming blockchain work and develop ideas to improve cooperation with us in the future.

Workshop Agenda:

  • 08.30: Arrival and coffee
  • Part 1: Commission work: state of play
  • 09.00: Welcome (Joachim Schwerin/GROW, Michael Gebert/Crowd Dialog, Reinhard Willfort/isn)
  • 09.10: The policy perspective: presentation of Commission policies and use cases for blockchain
  • 10.10: Q&A
  • 10.30: Coffee break
  • Part 2: Expert contributions: value proposition and way forward
  • 11.00: The European experts network perspective I: presentation of the Crowd Dialog network and
    its main initiatives (Michael Gebert/Crowd Dialog)
  • 11.20:The European experts network perspective I: presentation of crowd-based European
    innovation hubs and initiatives (Reinhard Willfort/isn
  • 11.40: Group brainstorming on the way forward for blockchain-related workstreams and how to
    get there (all participants)
  • 12.25: Closing remarks
  • 12.30: Lunch