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Berlin Ethereum Meetup x ETHVR – V2

Many blockchains are trying to solve the high-throughput equation in order to create DAPPS that can be used in the real world. With a mainnet that has been live for over a year, Zilliqa has already achieved this. However there is a different area which deserves focus in the blockchain space and that is Security. In recent times we have seen hacks of smart contracts, for example DAO, imBTC+Uniswap, imBTC+Lendf etc. That’s why Zilliqa has developed Scilla, short for Smart Contract Intermediate-Level Language. Scilla is an intermediate-level smart contract language which has been designed as a principled language with smart contract safety in mind. In this session you will learn about Scilla and discover how easy it is to program in Scilla. If you’d like to learn more about Scilla before the webinar then please go to the learnscilla website via this link: https://bit.ly/36i6Okb

Register here: https://www.meetup.com/BCNLfoundation/events/270762387/