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Blockchain Patents and Innovation (Online Panel)

Blockchain Patents and Innovation (Online Panel with FSBC, karo IP, Rimon Law, AZHOS)

About this Event


Blockchain Patents and Innovation (Online Panel)


Date: Friday, August 28, 2020

Time: 15h00-16h00

Mode: online talk via Zoom; Zoom dial-in URL will be sent previous to the online talk


1. Moderator: Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner (Frankfurt School Blockchain Center)

2. Justus Kreuels (Co-Founding Partner, karo IP)

3. Marc Kaufman (Partner, Rimon Law)

4. Tony Oehm (CEO, AZHOS)


Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/blockchain-patents-and-innovation-online-panel-tickets-112628071594?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=91883025&utm_content=91883025&utm_source=hs_email