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Diffusion Digital

The ultimate Web 3 experience without leaving your home

Exploring the journey from Web 2 to Web 3

Join some of the world’s most exciting elements of the Web 3 ecosystem, for a one-day virtual demo day and more – made up of pitches, talks, panels, and live demos.

Featuring some of the most brilliant builders and creators of Web 3 like CZ from Binance, Sergey from Chainlink, Emma Cui from Longhash, Eyal Hertzog from Bancor, Min Teo from Consensys, Ben Livshits from Brave & Agoric’s Mark Miller among loads of others.

Whether you are a founder, investor, developer, work in tech or just have an interest in the space, we welcome you to hear from the people driving the next major web cycle forward.

Register here: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/DiffusionDigital/register