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Israel NFT Conference #2

Are NFTs the next of everything? This question is at the core of the Israel NFT Conference #2.

Over 700 participants at the first conference demonstrated a big interest in NFT. This year is focused on the main uses of NFT Technology: Community, Art, Startups, Copyrights, and possible applications. The conference is divided into lectures and practical workshops.

Guests will be welcomed by greetings of Prof. Sheizaf Rafaeli, Head of Shenkar College. Dr. Michael Gebert, European Blockchain Association.
and Eli Frank, Chairman at The Israel Chamber of Information Technology.

The opening speech will be held by Dr. Milly Perry, Conference Leader and Head of Blockchain Excellence Center at the Israeli Chamber of Information Technology as well as Leader of the EDU DAO Initiative at the Europen Blockchain Association.

For more information on topics and workshops please visit the conference website https://www.actshenkar.com/nft2en

Please note that the majority of talks and workshops will be in Hebrew.