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METAVSUMMIT stands at the forefront of the Web 3.0 industry, bringing together investors, thought leaders, and major strategic partners to explore, invest, and shape the future of technology. With a legacy of innovation, METAVSUMMIT is committed to providing a dynamic platform for collaboration and growth.

With several government initiatives pushing forward future tech, Dubai has become one of the top 10 cities worldwide to run a Web 3 and AI company. And the evidence points to this: most future tech companies are either thinking about having Dubai as a second home or have already moved to make Dubai their first home.

METAVSUMMIT is the largest Web 3 event in the region, set to take place in Dubai, UAE, from January 10-11, 2024.

METAVSUMMIT has consistently been a beacon for attracting the most active investors, industry thought leaders, and major strategic partners, including Fortune 500 companies from around the globe. Last year the event saw over 1700 attendees, delegates and partners at the Ritz Carlton, located in the Financial Heart of Dubai.

 👉More information on the event website