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Meetup Recap: Governance in the Digital Age & the Role of Blockchain

by | Aug 9, 2019 | governance, news | 0 comments

The EBA was recently invited to give a talk on decentralized governance design at a meetup hosted by Koru Business Consulting and Staking Facilities alongside Dr. Markus Kaulartz and Max Semenchuk of the DGov Foundation.

If you missed the meetup and want a better understanding behind how the European Blockchain Association governance works take a look at the video above. In the video you’ll get a high level overview of the motivations behind governance as it stands as well as diving into the wider implications of decentralized governance of sociotechnical systems.

If you want to dig a little deeper into the EBA governance you should take a look at the our governance summary. If you’re interested in a deep dive into the actual documentation download the EBA governance and read it for yourself.

EBA members are entitled to actually contribute to the governance procedures by making pull requests to the EBA github and actually modifying the code. The goal of decentralized governance is solve problems that the architects of the governance and its technical implementation didn’t anticipate. In that spirit, member contributions to the code are most welcome!

A huge thanks goes out to the meetup organizers, participants and speakers!