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On March 4, 2023, the French Fintech Innovation Hub of the Autorité de Contrôle Prudential et de Résolution (ACPR) published a report titled “‘Decentralised’ or ‘Disintermediated’ finance: what regulatory response?” The report seeks to provide a brief description of a...
Over the last week there have been pronounced moves to target the staking industry in the United States. But moves to ban retail staking for retail users could have several profound consequences – from friction and centralisation risks, that threaten financial...
When it comes to laying down the rules of the game, the European Union has been a standard setter. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the recently negotiated Digital Markets Act (DMA) and proposed Digital Services Act (DSA) are examples of Europe...
MiCAR has long been a bone of contention between the EU Commission, Parliament and the market. Many ambiguities in its important definitions led to MiCAR procedure to take extremely long. Also, the final compromise has been changed many times during the trilogue...
Please find an English version here 1. Einleitung Die European Blockchain Association (EBA) unterstützt das Vorhaben des BMF, Klarheit für die Besteuerung von virtuellen Währungen und Token zu schaffen. Eine sinnvolle und nachhaltige Besteuerung ist aus Sicht...
In June 2021, the German Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) issued a draft decree on income tax treatment of virtual currencies and tokens. While the blockchain industry in Germany has been waiting for a clear regulatory framework for years and the EBA absolutely...